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Extract the group-level ('random') effects of each level of the brmsfit object in a brmcoda object.


# S3 method for brmcoda
ranef(object, ...)



An object of class brmcoda.


Further arguments passed to ranef.brmsfit.


A list of 3D arrays (one per grouping factor). If summary is TRUE, the 1st dimension contains the factor levels, the 2nd dimension contains the summary statistics (see posterior_summary), and the 3rd dimension contains the group-level effects. If summary is FALSE, the 1st dimension contains the posterior draws, the 2nd dimension contains the factor levels, and the 3rd dimension contains the group-level effects.

See also


# \donttest{
## fit a model
  m <- brmcoda(complr = complr(data = mcompd, sbp = sbp,
                               parts = c("TST", "WAKE", "MVPA", "LPA", "SB"),
                               idvar = "ID", total = 1440),
  formula = Stress ~ bilr1 + bilr2 + bilr3 + bilr4 +
    wilr1 + wilr2 + wilr3 + wilr4 + (1 | ID),
  chain = 1, iter = 500,
  backend = "cmdstanr")
  ## extract group-level coefficients
}# }
#> Error: CmdStan path has not been set yet. See ?set_cmdstan_path.